Resources for Teachers

Seed-to-Plate Food Literacy Curriculum

The Flying Carrot is pleased to offer this seed-to-plate food literacy curriculum, brought to you by funding from the Colorado Springs Health Foundation in collaboration with Colorado Springs Food Rescue.

The Flying Carrot is an innovative mobile food literacy project that fosters food awareness and empowers individuals to improve the well-being of themselves, the community, and the planet by providing creative hands-on experiences, building cooking skills, and improving access to local, seasonal, and sustainable food. The resources shared in this curriculum are a culmination of lessons the Flying Carrot learned over its 8-year history. 

Sharing the stories of our watershed farmers, promoting their crops through recipes, and building a campus community around local food has shown us the immense beauty and creative potential food has to offer. We hope these lessons, outlined in videos, recipes, and activities, help educators, administrators, community leaders, and local food advocates take steps to promote the purchasing, eating, and sharing of local food at home and at their places of work. If you're new to the concept of local food, you may choose to read through each section of the curriculum. Alternatively, you may choose to use only part of the curriculum to meet your needs. Each season has a table of contents to help you filter through the document.  Below is the spring curriculum, which will be the first of a full four-season release. Please continue checking back within the website for more information. If you have any questions, comments, or requests please email them to

Link to Curriculum

Thank you for your support!

Colorado Springs Food Rescue

Colorado Springs Food Rescue

Colorado Springs Health Foundation

Colorado Springs Health Foundation