


Food Next Door Projects


Over the past years, Sport Nutrition Graduate Assistants have made Food Next Door their graduate projects.

Click on the titles below to check out their project posters!


The Healthy Campus Initiative: A Sustainable Food Literacy Gateway Project

Vanderwoude AA, Frieler B, Harris M, Hayes M , Meyer N


The Sustainability, Wellness, and Learning Initiative: Food Next Door

Frieler B, Smith H, Kluge MA, Harris M, Hayes M, Meyer N


Eating for Health, Fitness and Performance

Asbury L, Shrader A, Meyer N

Healthy Plate ; Fitness Plate ; Performance Plate


Volunteering for Food Next Door: The Future Dietitian Cooks! 

Shrader A, Asbury L, Smith H, and Meyer N


Fermentation and Phytic Acid In Ancient Wheat

Loos K, Wolkow T, Meyer N